DrupalCafe vol.63 in KYOTO
19:30 to 21:00
京都市下京区五条通烏丸西入醍醐町290 京都烏丸五条ビル4階

*English to follow
毎月第3金曜日は DrupalCafe ですよー♪

日時: 2017/10/20(金) 19:00〜
場所: 株式会社デイアライブさんをお借りします
京都市下京区五条通烏丸西入醍醐町290番地 京都烏丸五条ビル4階
参加費: 500円(サーバ・ドメイン代など、コミュニティの運営費に充てます)

第63回! 今回のテーマ

第1部「初心者さん歓迎 ★ Drupal を触ってみよう!」


・WordPress など、CMSを使ったことがある人


第2部「Drupal Community Spotlight : Luc Bézierさん」

フリーランスのDrupalデベロッパー Lucさん。フランス出身の彼は世界を旅しながらDrupalの開発者として活躍しています。アジアではフィリピン セブ島を拠点に活動しながらコミュニティに関わっています。今回は彼がリモートワークで大切にしている考え方について紹介していただきます。

*Lucさんが企画したDrupal Camp Cebuも開催間近です!

Luc BézierさんのBiography

Drupal Cafeとは?

Drupal CafeはDrupal最新情報や、自分の事例、ちょっとした質問、Web、ITに関する話題ならなんでも話せるスペースです。セミナー・勉強会ではなく、コミュニティ・メンバーのリアルな場での交流をメインの目的にしています。

2009年から定期的にmeetup(勉強会)を開催していましたが、もっと気軽にDrupalに関する話題を情報交換できる場にしたいと考え、DrupalCafe に名前を変えて再スタートしました。


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Date: Oct 20th 2017 (Fri) 19:00-
Venue: Day Alive Co., Ltd.
5 min from subway Gojo station no.2 exit
Admisssion : ¥500

Part 1: "Drupal tutorial for newbies"

One question please!
How many of you guys out there had difficultiy in learning Drupal by yourself? We believe that's what the community is for, but some people asked us "newbie like myself is allowed to join the event?" ....Yes of course!!!

We love learning but we want to make it more fun, so our tutorial session for newbie is basically Kumon-approach. So we have knowledgeable tutor in this session, and many questions are welcomed of course!


*This session is useful if you are the one who....
have ever tried to build something with CMS (Wordpress)
have ever owned your blog oe the one who is in the preparation.
are in-house developer

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Part 2:
"Drupal Community Spotlight : Luc Bézier, Drupal Cebu Community"

Luc is freelance Drupal deveoper and he works with travelling the world. He is based in Phillipines when he's in Asia and contributing to local Drupal community. This time he introduces how he think about working remotely.

*Luc will be hostingDrupal Camp Cebu!

Luc Bézier

What is Drupal Cafe?

At Drupal cafe, you can share the latest information about Drupal, your own experiences, questions, IT, and related topics. Drupal Cafe is typically an informal gathering with occasional short presentations by members with a focus on interaction between our community members.

We held regular meetups (benkyokai) starting in 2009, but wanted a place where Drupal-related topics could be discussed and information exchanged more freely so we decided to change the name and restart the group as the Drupal Cafe.

We're planning to hold Drupal Cafe meetings monthly (tentatively the 3rd Fri. of each month). The location will alternate between Osaka, Kyoto, and Tokyo, so feel free to stop by and join us to talk about Drupal when you can!
